I wanted to share this encouraging email I received from Immaculee today (www.immaculee.com):
Dear friends,
We all face challenges in our lives, small or big, we all go through some sufferings, but what really makes a big difference, is not how big those challenges are, but the Hope we hold in our hearts, the Faith we have in God while we face those problems. We have every reason to lose hope if all we have is us and our human strength, but for those who put their hope in the Almighty God, as their Support and Helper, there is always HOPE, no matter how bad the situation is, you hold on to Him in PRAYER and miracles happen.
Recently I was talking to somebody who lost his job and he has a family to take care of, and his children are young. He seemed desperate to find a job to care for family and rightly so. He was suffering a great deal. He told me that he thought about escaping this life all together so he doesn't have to face his children suffer, which would not make their lives better but worse. Listening to him, I wanted so much to give him hope, so I asked him if he prayed. He coldly answered that he did. I asked him if he prayed the Rosary, he responded in the same way, that he was not Catholic.
I was becoming a bit desperate how to reach his heart with the level of desperation I sensed, but if he was talking to me at all, it is because he was open to help. So, I tried again, I told him about a miracle of the Rosary, that happened in Kibeho some years ago. One time Our Lady asked the visionary, to tell all the students to pray the Rosary together and She promised to give them a gift. So the Catholics went to pray the Rosary alone. The next day, Mary came back and told the visionary that She asked all Her children to pray, "Pray the Rosary not as Catholics but as my children" She asked. This time all the students gathered and prayed the Rosary together regardless of their religions. The gift that was promised, started to unfold, the very next day. It was a time of exams and all the students passed the exams that the professors were shocked.
The miracle became bigger. Over the next 6 years (High School years then), all those kids who prayed the Rosary, no one failed. They all got their diplomas year after year until the last. This was very unusual to a point where the professors would be asking if the kids were stealing the exams, "How can all the students be smart". The students who came after, they started to fail just like before. When my friend the story, I finally saw a ray of hope in his face, a genuine smile. I knew his heart was touched.
Before he made any comment, I told him I will send him a link on how to pray the Rosary. He accepted that he will listen. Within 30 minutes of receiving the link of the Rosary, he called me and his voice was excited and very happy. He told me, within 10 minutes of listening to the Rosary prayer, a friend he haven't heard from in a very long time, called him and told him about a job that was opening somewhere and he thinks he is the perfect person they are looking for. He was so happy and he asked me if I think it was the Rosary, I told him "Without a doubt. She is a Merciful Mother. You make one step towards Her, She makes 3". He promised to continue listen to the Rosary prayer. Our Lady promised that if we say the Rosary from Our Heart, we shall obtain what we pray for. So don't ever lose Hope when you have a Powerful Father and a Powerful Mother and a powerful Prayer of the Rosary. Do as She says and wait in joy.